BSM Bible Studies
The BSM offers many weekly Bible Studies both On & Off Campus designed to help students understand God's Word and Grow in Faith! You do not have to be a Christian to attend... in fact we would love for you to come if not! Be prepared to dig deep and have fun!

Every Monday and Tuesday
From 12:10-12:50pm
Take a break from class and join us for our FREE Lunch + Bible study
in the BSM!
This sweet gathering is a great way to meet new people and learn new things! This semester we will be discussing:
Doctrine: What is the Gospel?


Every Thursday
Every Thursday we gather for Fellowship, Worship and a Message
in the BSM!
Do you want to hear from God? Do you have questions? Do you want to see change in your life? We invite all college-aged students to this powerful time every week!
In this semester series we will be discussing:
the GOD like No Other
Every Week
@ Different Times & Locations
Do you have a Home away from Home now? Do you have a place where you belong? Well, we invite you to find that NOW!
Our Church hosted-Community groups meet in homes throughout the week. Join one of these groups for free dinner, deep study of God's Word and to build relationships that will last a lifetime.
Check out our Community Group Page for more details!