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SupporT Our Team

Campus Associate Minister

God is opening incredible doors for ministry in Grayson County! The Baptist Student Ministry (BSM) is expanding beyond Grayson College to include South Campus and Austin College. With this growth comes the opportunity to reach even more students with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

To support this vision, we are introducing the BSM Associate Campus Minister position, with a special focus on reaching and discipling students at Austin College. In addition to leading Bible studies and personal discipleship, this position will also serve to minister to our local churches by providing pulpit supply, fostering relationships with church leaders, and connecting students to local congregations.

This position is entirely self- supported by generous gifts from individuals and churches like yours. By partnering with us, you are expanding the reach of our ministry to see students transformed by the Gospel of Jesus! 

How to Support this Ministry

To financially support this position you can click the link below to give directly online or send a check to the address below. Please include "BSM Campus Minister" in the Memo line.


Grayson Baptist Association 

P.O. Box 1806

Sherman, Tx  75091 

(903) 868-9361

Pledge support

We invite you or your church to join us in supporting the BSM Associate Campus Minister position by filling out the online pledge form and helping us spread the word about this exciting opportunity to impact college students and local churches.

For more details about the responsibilities and focus of this role, please refer to the position description attached below.

Thank you for partnering with us to see lives transformed by the Gospel!



Position Description 

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